Dr Paula P. Meier introduces the PROVIDE Training Compendium

The PROVIDE Training Compendium is an open access, evidence-based resource helping healthcare professionals implement lifesaving mothers' own milk feeding practices for infants in intensive care worldwide
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LactaHub and The Global Health Network launch the PROVIDE Training Compendium during World Breastfeeding Week

Dr Paula P. Meier explores the PROVIDE Training Compendium. She is joined by Dr Sushma Nangia (MD, DM, Director Professor and Head, Department of Neonatology, Lady Hardinge Medical College and Kalawati Saran Children's Hospital, New Delhi, India) and Janet Prince (RM IBCLC, Switzerland) for a look at the practical applications of the PROVIDE Training Compendium
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Information sheets

The power of MOM for NICU infants

Describes how MOM helps infants' brains, lungs, intestines and digestive systems develop, while providing personalised protection against infections via signature antibodies and immune system programming
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The power of breastfeeding or pumping for mothers

An overview of how lactation protects mothers against infection and bleeding after birth, breast cancer, ovarian cancer, osteoporosis, metabolic diseases like diabetes and high blood pressure - and the list is growing as more research is conducted
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MOM and NICU infant brain development

Details how and why MOM offers protection and supports the unique progression of a NICU infant's brain growth and development
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Colostrum - lifesaving medicine for NICU infants

Describes the unprecedented benefits of colostrum and answers basic questions mothers may ask NICU staff
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Why human donor milk (HDM)?

Explains why supplementing MOM with HDM may be necessary for NICU mothers, and addresses common concerns related to protocol and safety
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Four forms of MOM: Fresh, refrigerated, frozen and pasteurised

A guide to help ensure the safe use and storage of expressed MOM
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Reference guidelines for medications and MOM feeding

Explores NICU-specific points healthcare professionals can consider when evaluating MOM feeding for infants of mothers taking prescription medications
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Information sheets

Marijuana and MOM

Understanding the risks marijuana use carries for preterm infant brain growth and development, and for a mother’s breastmilk supply, is important as it becomes legal in more locations
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Medication safety and MOM

Provides answers to fundamental questions mothers often have about the safety of MOM when they are taking prescription medications
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Preventing, recognising and treating mastitis

Mastitis: What it is and why it can be common in the NICU if pumping sessions are too short or too far apart
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NICU-specific guidelines for managing mastitis

Safe mastitis treatment, MOM feeding and MOM storage: Each process comes with differentiated instructions for mothers of NICU infants
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Breastfeeding the NICU infant: COVID-19 advice

Provides current, evidence-based guidance on breastfeeding with COVID-19, from world-leading health organisations and experts, applicable for NICU infants
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Mouth care with MOM: Benefits and practical steps

Explains the benefits of practicing mouth care (oropharyngeal care) with MOM for NICU infants, and demonstrates the basic steps of the process for training NICU staff or families
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Skin to skin (kangaroo) care: Introduction for NICU families

Introduces parents to the health and developmental benefits of skin to skin care, and demonstrates two ways to transfer an infant from the incubator
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Skin to skin (kangaroo) care: Training guide for NICU staff

Outlines research findings and the clinical benefits of skin to skin care, and demonstrates effective techniques and procedures for implementing the intervention with intubated infants
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Information sheets

Skin to skin (kangaroo) care: Benefits for NICU infants

From stabilising heart and breathing rates to fostering the development of personalised antibodies, this straightforward practice offers astonishing benefits
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Mouth care with MOM to fight infection

Describes the three main ways that mouth care (oropharyngeal care) with MOM may help protect NICU infants from developing ear, throat and lung infections
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Considerations when choosing a breast shield for a pump-dependent mother

Discusses points to consider when supporting a mother to find the right size breast shield for optimal pumping. Includes visual examples and discussions with a NICU mother
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Getting the right fit: Breast shields

Demonstrates how to assess for correct and comfortable breast shield fit, with examples from different pumping mothers
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Visualising a well-fitted breast shield

Offers different close-up views of correctly fitted breast shields
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When the breast shield is too large: How to assess and adjust

Provides guidance on how to assess whether a breast shield is too large and offers points for selecting the correct size and improving comfort
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Centring the nipple in the breast-shield

Provides visual guidance to teach mothers how to correctly position the nipple in the breast-shield for optimal and comfortable pumping
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When the breast shield is off centre: How to assess and adjust

Provides visual guidance to correct an off-centre breast shield and improve comfort
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Attaining optimal breast shield pressure

Shows how to hold the breast shield to prevent excess pressure that could disrupt milk flow
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Evaluating the nipple base

Demonstrates how to locate the nipple base and why this is important for effective and efficient pumping
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Evaluating nipple circumference

Demonstrates how to evaluate the nipple circumference for a comfortable breast shield fit
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Evaluating nipple elasticity

Addresses differences in nipple elasticity, and why elasticity is relevant for pump-dependent mothers
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Using nipple ointment

Explains why nipple ointment is important, especially for helping to prevent infection, and when it should be used for pump-dependent mothers
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Optimising milk removal while pumping

Demonstrates how a mother can optimise her breastmilk output while remaining comfortable
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Pumping to empty the breast

Teaches mothers how to recognise when the breast has been fully drained, and why it is important
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Milk ejection while pumping

Provides a visual example of breastmilk being ejected while pumping
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Information sheets

Initiating lactation in the NICU

How to optimise lactation in the first two weeks after birth, key to enabling a long-lasting, abundant supply of MOM
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Breast pumps for NICU mothers

How to identify an effective, efficient, and comfortable breast pump to sustain lactation if a preterm infant is too small or sick to breastfeed
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Pumping, and the effects of lactation hormones

What hormonal and physical reactions mothers can expect when using a breast pump
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Pumping to create MOM demand and supply

A day-by-day look at ‘coming to volume’ in the first two weeks of lactation: What it means for NICU mothers and why it is important for sustained MOM production
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Points to check when pumping

From selecting the right breast-shield size to unclogging a milk duct, this checklist can help mothers pump effectively, efficiently and comfortably
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Pumping for preterm infants after NICU discharge

Explains why pumping for preterm infants after NICU discharge is important, and addresses questions mothers may have with practical guidelines
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Realistic goals for breastfeeding preterm infants

A NICU specialist reviews the steps between pumping and feeding at breast to help a mother set realistic breastfeeding goals
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Breastfeeding positions: Supporting the infant's head and neck

Demonstrates breastfeeding positions that support the infant's head and neck
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Breastfeeding positions: Football hold

Demonstrates positioning the infant using the football hold
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Breastfeeding positions: Cross-cradle hold

Demonstrates positioning the infant using the cross-cradle hold
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Sucking patterns: Differences and implications for full-term and preterm infants

A NICU specialist discusses differences in sucking patterns for full-term and preterm infants with a mother and grandmother
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Pumping after NICU discharge

A NICU specialist discusses the importance of continued breast pump use after NICU discharge with a mother and grandmother
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Nipple shields: Applying a nipple shield

Demonstrates different options for correct application of a nipple shield onto the mother's breast
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Nipple shields: Choosing and evaluating size

A NICU specialist evaluates and discusses correct nipple shield size with a mother and grandmother
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Nipple shields: Evaluating effectiveness

A NICU specialist explains how and why nipple shields can help preterm infants breastfeed more effectively until suction pressures mature
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Differences when breastfeeding preterm infants: Behaviour

A NICU specialist discusses different breastfeeding behaviours of preterm and full-term infants with a new mother and grandmother
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Differences when breastfeeding preterm infants: Suction

A NICU specialist discusses safe breastfeeding positions to support optimal suction of preterm infants with a new mother and grandmother
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Breastfeeding preterm infants: Milk ejection

A breastfeeding mother describes her milk ejection experience with a NICU specialist, while breastfeeding her preterm infant
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Information sheets

Preparing to breastfeed in the NICU

Helps prepare mothers for breastfeeding in the NICU, with practical tips and information about what they can expect
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Breastfeeding positions for preterm infants

Illustrates safe support and positioning for breastfeeding a preterm infant in the NICU and after discharge
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Breastfeeding preterm infants after NICU discharge

Offers tips to address specific preterm breastfeeding concerns and challenges mothers may experience after being discharged from the NICU
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Nipple shields for breastfeeding preterm infants

Describes how nipple shields help preterm infants breastfeed effectively and efficiently, and offers guidelines for their appropriate use and care
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Breast assessment for pump-dependent mothers

Explains the importance of conducting regular breast assessments for pump-dependent mothers
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Performing a breast assessment

Demonstrates how to teach mothers to perform a breast assessment
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Using nipple ointment

Explains why nipple ointment is important, especially for helping to prevent infection, and when it should be used for pump-dependent mothers
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Pumping to empty the breast

Teaches mothers how to recognise when the breast has been fully drained, and why it is important
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Information sheets

Preventing, recognising and treating mastitis

Mastitis: What it is and why it can be common in the NICU if pumping sessions are too short or too far apart
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NICU-specific guidelines for managing mastitis

Safe mastitis treatment, MOM feeding and MOM storage: Each process comes with differentiated instructions for mothers of NICU infants
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NICU Breastfeeding: Grandmother as helper

Explains the important role grandmothers can play as active helpers for breastfeeding mothers
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Sucking patterns: Differences and implications for full-term and preterm infants

A NICU specialist discusses differences in sucking patterns for full-term and preterm infants with a mother and grandmother
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Nipple shields: Choosing and evaluating size

A NICU specialist evaluates and discusses correct nipple shield size with a mother and grandmother
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Differences when breastfeeding preterm infants: Behaviour

A NICU specialist discusses different breastfeeding behaviours of preterm and full-term infants with a new mother and grandmother
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Pumping after NICU discharge

A NICU specialist discusses the importance of continued breast pump use after NICU discharge with a mother and grandmother
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